I asked all my questions to I drive support. I thought it may be good to share at this forum so everyone can benefit.
I numbered my questions.
I will post a second post in this thread with their answers
#1…I understand I can do an ‘entire machine back up’ of my Mac including the operating system, which is older but serves me well.
> Is this correct?
> #2. I have an app named ‘NOTES’ an ‘apple specific’ app.
> Does I drive back this up, and all my apps?
> What about the other apps I have which come with my apple account like CONTACTS .
> #3 Are they backed up on I cloud drive?
> #4are they backed up on I cloud drive?
> BACK UP the APPS on my IPAD I
> as well, to my I drive account.
> #5 Is this true?
> One last question.
> #6 QU if I have a bunch of files in my I drive account, already backed up from my Mac, and I delete many files from my Mac, Will they stay in my I cloud drive?
> Or will my I cloud drive account be updated by removing the files I just removed from my MAC.