

Hello John,
Sorry for the delay, I was rather busy doing other things. But I wanted to say thank you for your help.
I finally got Photoshop CS4 installed and working. Here are the steps that I took.

Steps taken to install Photoshop CS4

1. Locate and delete all files and directories of Adobe. They are located in the following locations:
a. Program Files
b. Program files (x86)
c. Program Data
2. Also locate directory “Common Files” and delete Adobe files in the above directories
3. Once done, clear recycle bin
4. Reboot PC
5. Login to Admin Account
6. Before installing go to the CS4.exe icon and properties and set the compatibility to Windows 7 or 8 or Vista. I used 7. And then Install Photoshop CS4.
It should work. However if you have a new laptop or monitor that uses 4k display you may want to do the following:
1. Close / exit Photoshop CS4
2. Go to the CS4.exe and properties icon.
3. Click on Compatibility
4. From here go to Change High DPI Settings
5. Click on Program DPI
Now left click on “Use This Setting….”
Also click on “High DPI Scaling Override…”
6. Click OK
7. Click Apply and Click OK

Now start Photoshop CS4
Once again i appreciate your help.