Tagged: chrome, default mail, default program, gmail
Gmail VS Microsoft
Posted by Marcy Veit on September 16, 2019 at 12:09 pmHow do I get Gmail as my default when I want to send an email within a website instead of Microsoft.
When it says “contact us” if I click on that it wants to set up a Microsoft account instead of just opening my Gmail account.
Thanks,Jake Russo replied 5 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies -
6 Replies
Hi @Stardust,
What device do you want to change your email settings on?
Hi Jake,My computer…if I’m in my Google account I can reply and open and send messages. But if I am not for example: and I want to contact a company from within their website and I click on their email account…Microsoft office wants to open. Is there some way to make my Gmail account the default for all communications?
Hi Marcy @stardust,
If you’re on Chrome, the first and easiest way to achieve this is to check for a diamond icon to the right of the address bar when you click on an email link. Clicking on this’ll give you a small dropdown menu where you can change the action for email links to mail.google.com. But, it sounds like there’s a good chance this isn’t an option for you, so you’ll want to use a Chrome extension called mailto: (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mailto/gppbppehiogfokmpligejhaepeopajdf?utm_source=chrome-app-launcher) This is an official Chrome extension from the Chrome Web Store, so it’s safe for you to use. From there, open the extension’s settings by clicking on it’s icon near the top right of your screen and select Gmail as your email provider of choice.
If you use Firefox, hit the hamburger menu (the one with the icon that has 3 lines stacked horizontally) on the top right of your screen and click “Options”. From there, click the “Applications” tab at the top of the window that pops up. Once there, either type in the search field right under the “Applications” tab or scroll down until your see “mailto”. You’ll now see a dropdown menu to the right of that. Click the dropdown and select “Use Gmail”. After that, clicking on any email or contact us links in your browser should open in Gmail.
On Opera, you’ll have to use the same Mailto plugin as Chrome. (https://addons.opera.com/en-gb/extensions/details/mailto/?display=en)
When using Edge or IE, however, you’re going to have to go to your system settings, search for “email”, and change your default provider to a mail app on your computer which is logged into your Gmail account. So in this case, I’d recommend you just switch to one of the big three aforementioned browsers.
Let me know if there’s anything I missed or any other way I can help!
Thanks Jake,
I looked at the reviews and looks like Windows 10 makes it harder to use. Sigh you have been very helpful. I appreciate your time. -
This is still possible in Windows 10. If you can confirm what browser you are using when looking at websites, we can provide some more specific information.
Assuming you are using Chrome as your browser, try these alternate steps:
Go to this URL in Chrome: chrome://settings/handlers
Make sure “Allow sites to ask to become default handlers for protocols (recommended)” is enabled.
Now go to Gmail in Chrome: https://mail.google.com
Once Gmail opens, look in the address bar in the top right corner for the double-diamond icon Jake mentioned. Click this and choose Allow. Here is a screenshot of the icon and the menu that appears when you click it:I just tested this in Chrome on Windows 10 and it works!
@amber That was one of the steps I recommended, just didn’t explain it very well… but thanks for the additional detail! Are you using Chrome @stardust? And if so, and if the built-in method that Amber suggested doesn’t work for you, you can try one of the tons of other plugins like this one if the one I linked to doesn’t work for you: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mailto-gmail/jkoohembanljhdofaabafhdkencbombn on the Chrome App Store if you want to give it another shot.
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