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3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by TeamKomando:John 2 months, 1 weeks ago
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    • #57118


      I’ve heard Kim suggest setting up a separate wifi network for the IOT devices. I have just a few (A Wyze Door Lock, 4 smart bulbs on bedroom ceiling fan, Nest Thermostat, 2 Echo Devices, MyQ Garage Door Opener, Vizio TV) {maybe more than a few now that I listed them} and I’m about to add a Wyze Cam Floodlight Pro. I have a TP-Link AX1800 Router that has the ability to define a IOT network. What is the best way to do this? I want to be able to still cast my computers and Android phones to the Vizio TV, but am not sure how to set this up to connect the phone and Windows computers to the very secure (I think) home wifi and be able to separate these IOT devices. HELP!!!

    • #57121


      Hello Michael Pastor,

      You have quite the smart home going on, My Q garage door has been my favorite smart home integration I’ve set up so far.

      Tap or click here to see how to configure a secondary wireless network, specifically for your Internet Of Things Devices or IOT for short.

      Let us know if you have any issues, we will get this sorted out.

    • #57202


      Can anyone explain how my secure home wifi that I use for my computers and android phones will connect to the devices defined to a new IOT wifi network. Since I’ve not read anything that explains how this works, I’m concerned I’ll have to make multiple iterations until I get it right. Is there an article that explains the concept?

    • #57317


      Hello Michael,

      They talk to each other over the internet, your IOT devices call home to an intermediary server that both your home network and IOT network devices can communicate with.

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