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    • #51969


      Joe from Atlanta, Georgia has three sons in the U.S. Navy. “When they are traveling, I thought it might be neat to see what’s going on in the news where they are at,” he wrote to the Kim Komando Show. “Could you tell me what is the best way to view TV stations in other countries?”

      Firstly, I recommended BBC World News. This international news channel helps you see what’s going on in nearly every corner of the world. Check it out here.

      Luckily, a few of my listeners came to the rescue with even more suggestions. “I listen to French news in English on France 24 at france24.com and German news in English on Deutsche Welle at dw.com,” C.P. from Austin said.

      Another listener recommended OK Live TV. “This is what I use for foreign news and television,” D.R. in Iowa said. “I’ve been using it for over a year.” I want to give a big round of applause to the two of them for sharing these sites!

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