1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by TeamKomando:John 2 years, 5 months ago
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    • #52723

      Rob Law

      I live in the country, cell service is and has been sparse. Just got Fibre-Optic service, 2 GB up and down and comes with managed services. They provide a Calix GigaSpire Blast u6.2 router which seems great. I will be adding 2 u4 routers to extend wifi. Will also hardwire Roku. Calix WiFi has been great, I just need to extend range.
      My issue is I can’t seem to add ExpressVPN and hence protect all devices using Calix network.
      Should I add an additional router between modem and hardwire u6. Additional router would run ExpressVPN and have one open/public network that can be used to get around ExpressVPN for those few sites that fight VPNs.
      Will this solution kill any managed support, or will it just pass thru the VPN router?
      Any other ideas?
      Note – with rural fibre being installed all over the country, these Calix routers are being used a lot
      Thanks for any hints or suggestions

    • #52765



      If you desire to keep your existing router, I recommend using a Firewalla purple, if you put this before your Calix device, you will then have the ability to create device groups and you can force to use express VPN. However this will create a double NAT issue unless you are able to turn off routing on the Calix Device, this is generally only an issue if someone is gaming on your network or using VoIP services.



      If you are not locked into a contract with the Calix device, I recommend using one of the recommended routers from Express VPN.


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