2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Susie Roberts 2 years, 4 months ago
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    • #52691

      Susie Roberts

      I conduct ~15 1-on-1 client virtual consultations weekly, as well as virtual webinars. I have people scheduling/re-scheduling frequently and want a scheduler that can handle that for me. I currently use Windows, Google (Chrome, gmail, calendar), and Zoom for business. Am looking for a calendar tool that is simple to use and integrates into my current tools (or, if there is something better/cheaper than Zoom, I am open to that). Thank you.

    • #52764



      Free 100 appointments per month, has a mobile app, integrates with Square for payment processing, can also integrate with your website.

      Is HIPPA compliant with a paid plan. starting at $19.99 a mo.


      If you are looking to ditch Zoom, I recommend using Google Meet.

    • #52767

      Susie Roberts

      Thank you! What do you think of Google Meet vs. Teams? I just presented a training on Teams today, and it seemed to work nicely.

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