
3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Karey 3 years, 7 months ago
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    • #47786


      My family member is losing her central vision due to a progressive genetic eye disease. She is a young adult. You had a podcast guest who was working on vision restoration through technology, but I don’t recall the details.

      Wondering if AI can be used to reconstruct missing parts of the visual field? Do you know of individuals or companies to contact? (I am a physician)

      We see specialists of course, but any and all insight from you and your team would be very welcome.

      Many Thanks as always,

    • #47816


      Hi Karey,

      Let me look through our archives for you!

    • #47817


      Found it!!!

      Karey, Let me know if this is something your family pursues.

      Prayers for all!
      Kim 🙂

    • #47935


      Hi Kim,
      Thank you so much for the video. It’s fascinating. I’ve looked for Dr. Talbot, but I’m unable to find contact information for him except on LinkedIn, which I haven’t set up yet. I have a phone number for Second Sight, so I will contact them, although Dr. Talbot is not on their list of “key people.”

      Follow-up question: I thought you had a guest on in the Komando On Demand older podcast format whose company was into research for sight. Does this ring a bell, or is Second Sight the only podcast on this topic?

      I will let you know what I find out when I call! I am also going to contact CorNeat, after hearing about it on the recent podcast.

      Thank you so much, Kim!

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