2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Mike Near Orlando 2 months, 1 weeks ago
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    • #56976

      Mike Near Orlando

      I’m not sure if this is the best category to post this. I’ve been using the Google Podcasts app. Since I saw a notice stating Google was going to shutdown this app, I’ve tried YouTube and iHeartRadio, but found the ads too annoying in YouTube and navigating in iHeartRadio less than intuitive. I was comfortable with Google Podcasts. Can someone recommend an app that is most similar to Google Podcasts or one I should try and just get used to?

      …Mike (TYIA)

    • #56978


      Hello Michael Pastor,

      You will want to take a look at Google’s YouTube Music app, this is what they want everyone to switch over to. Otherwise, Spotify works great as well for podcasts.

      • #57758

        Mike Near Orlando

        John, although a rather late response, but no less sincere, THANK YOU. I’ve been using Spotify, but still have challenges. Im sure I’ll tr youTube but since I’m always multitasking when I listen, Im sure I’ll get around to it some day. Thx

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