Q&A Forum > Small Business > Best way to conduct short term e-commerce Start a new discussion Tagged: best online business site to get started 1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by KimKomando 4 years, 2 months ago Viewing 1 reply thread Author Replies August 7, 2020 at 6:27 am #44249 MitchellDicklerMember @MitchellDickler I am making a charity Calendar that will only be sold for a few months (through the end of the year) What is my best option for website and e-commerce for that limited time? August 9, 2020 at 10:13 am #44522 KimKomandoKeymaster @KimKomando Hi Mitchell, You have a handful of different options but I would use Shopify. https://www.shopify.com A few other ideas for your online business: – You can customize the text to ask for additional donations to your charity at check-out. – You can offer Curbside Pickup and Local Delivery for contact-free shipping options. – In the admin area, you can also pay bills and track expenses for your online business. One more thing to think of, aside from the above, you could also list the calendars for sale on Amazon and Etsy. Hope this helps, Kim 🙂 Author Replies Viewing 1 reply thread You must be a Komando Community member to reply to this post. Sign up or log in. Log In Username: Password: Keep me signed in Log In