Home Q&A Forum TV and Home Theater Blocked channels

  • TeamKomando:John

    January 26, 2021 at 4:29 pm

    Hello Bill,

    It really depends on how you are blocking the channel, are you using the cable box or the TV’s parental controls, and which cable company are you using?

  • Bill Keys

    January 27, 2021 at 4:59 am

    Its comcast and I didn’t know you can use the box. How?

  • TeamKomando:John

    January 27, 2021 at 5:08 pm

    Hello Bill,

    I have solutions, if you are using Xfinity you can use the following steps: If you are using an older Box let me know the model number and I will see what I can dig up. However remember you are paying them for your service and they always have tech support awaiting your call.

    Setting PINs in Parental Controls
    Press the xfinity button on your remote control.
    Using the right arrow button, scroll over to highlight Settings.
    Use the down arrow button to highlight Parental Controls.
    Use the down arrow button to highlight Parental Control PIN.
    Enter a four-digit Locks PIN of your choosing.

    In the Parental Controls window, tap Edit within Lock specific channels.
    In the Lock channels window: Tap each network that you want to lock. Tap Unlock All to unlock all channels.
    When you’re finished, tap the Save button.

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