Home Q&A Forum Computer Help Can’t see info on page when I log in to KimKomando

  • TeamKomandoJeremy

    September 8, 2020 at 7:52 am

    Carole, can you post the url of the page and the browser and device type so I can look further into this? There is an X in the top right of the anyclip player that will close it.

  • Carole Pearson

    September 8, 2020 at 8:35 am

    Kim, thank you for the info about how to disable the large ad page . I now have another problem. working on a new HP Win10 using Windows 10 Microsoft Edge, (I think) I will be on my email or some other site and it will be SECURE. All of a sudden it will show NOT SECURE. I had my credit card hacked and thankfully the bank caught it but it just happened again. I never had this happen for years while usinng Google Chrome. How do I fix this? I’m 77 and things are rolling right past me.
    Thank you

  • TeamKomandoJeremy

    September 9, 2020 at 9:25 am

    Carole, you can go back to using Chrome, no need to use Edge. If you want to use Edge, some users report Edge does not redirect to https(SECURE) and a plugin like HTTPS Everywhere for Edge will force it to do so https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/https-everywhere/fchjpkplmbeeeaaogdbhjbgbknjobohb

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