I live in a 55+ community which has a clubhouse with several meeting rooms. We would like to display scrolling notifications (like a powerpoint slideshow) on several monitors throughout the building. The messages displayed would be updated frequently, but real-time updates are not needed.
Looking for an easy-to-implement solution that is affordable (all expenses are paid out of homeowner association dues) as well as easy to maintain (we have no on-site tech help). All suggestions are appreciated!
Sounds like a fun project, are they monitors or smart TV’s you are trying to get the Slideshow to play on? Knowing weather or not they are smart TV’s with say a built-in web browser will save you lots of money instead of having to buy A Player for each monitor / TV.
Secondly, do all of these TV’s / Monitors connect to a coax cable weather it is for OTA TV programming or if they use a cable box?
Thanks for the response, I will check what we’ve got – I think one is a smart TV and one is a monitor (it would be too easy if both were the same…). Stay tuned…
Donna, there are a few options for this. One would be to make images and put them on a usb drive and have the tv play them as a slideshow. Most TVs have this option but some may not. An easier solution but does cost a little bit to start up is pisignage.com. Here you upload the images or text to a website and it will play thme through small computers hooked up to the tvs.