Digitizing Love Notes:
My wife now deceased, and I had ~62 years of courtship and marriage. Our courtship of ~8 years was mostly by hand written letters via regular mail. Fortunately, I’ve saved every bit of letters, greeting cards, dried flowers, photographs etc. we exchanged with each other. Letters are mostly hand written on odd sized paper and are on both sides.
I need to scan them and catalog them and save them for posterity. This is how I am doing it.
Assign a code to letter (e.g. 1017 IBB-VMB 5/15/1960). Scan the letter and export via eMail to Laptop. Save the image as Adobe file. Enter the code on an Excel spreadsheet.
Read the letter and write an supplemental information and file it with the scanned image.
There must be a smarter way of accomplishing it. That is why this note, looking for your advice. Guessing ~500 articles of manuscript.
May 17, 2021: Money was tight. There was mention of gifts and clothing. They appear small in today’s values. I used to correct grammar and spelling in Indubala’s writing, perhaps because she was preparing for MA English examination.
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