1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by TeamKomando:John 3 years, 4 months ago
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  • Author
    • #49008

      Bruce Sindel

      I am a MAC user so this problem is beyond me. My 94 YO Father-in-law bought a new Windows 10 computer (without my advice). He lives in a retirement community that provides internet access for all the residents and was originally given email through Comcast. However a short time ago the Homeowners group switched internet providers to HotWire. My Father-in-law was allowed to keep his Comcast email, but they no longer provide technical support.There wasn’t a problem with his older computer which I believe was running windows 7 – the email program did the spam blocking. However in windows 10 the mail program no longer appears to spam block or have a spam folder so he is getting hundreds of unwanted emails/day and it is over whelming. is there a setting in the windows 10 email to send spam to another folder or a better way to set up his email to do this

    • #49104


      Hello Bruce,

      You should start off by setting up either a new Gmail or StartMail account. From either Gmail or Start Mail, you can configure either Gmail or StartMail to check the Comcast email account(Gmail) Or forward Comcast emails (StartMail). By doing so you will be able to utilize Gmail or Start Mail’s spam filtering service for the Comcast email.

      At this point, you can decide whether or not to have your father ditch Comcast altogether.

      Now you will want to log into the Comcast / Xfinity email portal and configure an auto-response that will let people that email him know that he has a new email address bestdad1@gmail or bestdad1@startmail.com

      Now you will want to get the Comcast email to begin being checked by either Gmail or StartMail

      Comcast IMAP email server settings will be needed when you configure Gmail or StartMail to check the Comcast email.
      Incoming Mail Server Name: imap.comcast.net
      Incoming Mail Server Port Number: 993 with SSL ON
      If the Mail Client lets you select an authentication method, choose STARTTLS.
      If Needed: 143 with SSL ON
      Outgoing Mail Server Name: smtp.comcast.net
      Outgoing Mail Server Port Number: 587 (SMTP)
      If Needed: 465 (SMTPS)
      Encryption: TLS (use SSL if TLS isn’t shown.)
      Authentication: Type in your Comcast username and password

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