2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Cynthia Cara 4 years, 11 months ago
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    • #40646

      Cynthia Cara

      Something very interesting has happened to me. I live out in the country in Northern California (near BetaGary). Comcast offered me fiber optic internet (in exchange for a 2 year contract! They added Home Services and LOWERED the price for my bundle with phone, cable, internet, Home Services. I was shocked as I did not think it was anywhere near me. Do you see a big competition going for the Fiber Optic Internet customer between Comcast and AT&T? Or other companies? They appear to be stringing cable all over the place. And the Government has not set up exclusive territories like they did for cable TV. At my in town business I watched two companies (Att & Comcast) bury fiber optic cable out in front of our downtown business! But they still want way too much money for a small business, so we are not biting. It is nice to see the competition, however!

    • #40660


      Hi Cynthia,

      You bring up an interesting point. Fiber is the future, along with 5G one day.

      Are you seeing an increased speed?

      Fiber offers speeds up to 10 Gbps, symmetrical upload and download bandwidth. That’s much better than cable.

      Thanks for stopping by! Nice to see your happy face!

    • #40772

      Cynthia Cara

      It is interesting because, at home, I did not bite on the new package, Because I am a senior with a small part time job (which won’t last forever) I minimized my next contract, and it is only for one year. Meanwhile they ARE increasing my speed, just not to fiber optic level. We will see what happens at the end of the year! Thanks for being here for us! Par tof my success at keeping my job has been my added ability to help our real estate agents keep up with tech by sending them links to your great information! Phones, photos, computers are all so important in their business!

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