1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by TeamKomando:John 4 years ago
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  • Author
    • #45199

      vance cerasini

      Question about problems with Android. Recently I upgraded from a cheap Blu phone to a rather robust Moto X4 with 4 GB of RAM. The Blu phone had all kinds of problems like Bluetooth not syncing with my Infotainment, weird problems with the phone itself, etc. If I rebooted the think, it would be OK again for awhile. Now with this Moto X4, I don’t have 75 % of those problems anymore. Here’s my question: Is the flaky-ness of performance due to hardware or Android system? My wife’s old I Phone doesn’t do those things

    • #45206


      Hello Vance,

      If you recently upgraded to a Moto X4 (released 2017) then I can only imagine how old the Blu phone was. I have used Blu in the past as a backup phone for when I was getting my primary phone repaired, I as well was not happy with it’s performance. You are pretty much getting what you pay for in comparison, currently their top of the line phone is just over $200.00. To keep their prices so low they use slower older hardware, even though they are running they latest version of Android.

      So to finally answer to your question, the issue seems to be hardware.

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