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  • Getting Chrome popups saying Congratulations and other messages.

    Posted by Robert Bellas on February 7, 2021 at 10:11 pm

    Getting Chrome popups saying Congratulations and other messages. I have tried Malwarebytes and Zemana antivirus without success.
    How can this issue be resolved?

    TeamKomando:John replied 4 years ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • TeamKomando:John

    February 8, 2021 at 9:26 am

    Hello Robert,

    More than likely your web browser is hijacked, you may need to check your default search settings in Chrome.

    On your computer, open Chrome.
    At the top right, click More More and then Settings.
    Under “Search engine,” click Manage search engines.
    Find “Other search engines.”
    Add: To the right of “Other search engines,” click Add. Fill out the text fields and click Add.
    Set as default: To the right of the search engine, click More More and then Make default.
    Edit: To the right of the search engine, click More More and then Edit.
    Delete: To the right of the search engine, click More More and then Remove from list.

    Use these steps to determine the default search engine your browser is using, additionally check for any extensions you may not recognize and remove them.

    On your computer, open Chrome.
    At the top right, click More More and then More tools and then Extensions.
    Make your changes:
    Turn on/off: Turn the extension on or off.

    Let us know what you find.

  • Robert Bellas

    February 8, 2021 at 12:12 pm

    Thank you for your prompt response.
    I apologize, I forgot to mention that I am experiencing this issue on a Samsung S8 so I was not able to follow your instructions.
    Can you assist with resolution to Chrome browser popups on Android Samsung S8?
    Thank you,

  • TeamKomando:John

    February 8, 2021 at 1:17 pm

    Hello Robert,

    Which web browser are you using on your phone? you really should investigate your default search engine on whatever browser you are using same for your extensions / addons depending on which browser you are using.

    In any case you should really backup then factory restore your phone, be sure to not allow the phone to re install all of your apps once you start signing into your accounts. . You may very well have a malicious app installed on your phone for example.

    Do the popups happen randomly or when searching for something on the web?

  • Robert Bellas

    February 8, 2021 at 3:03 pm

    I am using the Chrome browser. That is set as the default browser and has been since I bought this Samsung S8+.
    Chrome has been and is my default browser.
    Is there an antivirus or other program that can remove malware?
    I have tried Malwarebytes and Zemana antivirus without success.
    Thank you for your assistance.

  • TeamKomando:John

    February 8, 2021 at 3:10 pm

    Hello Robert,

    If the web browser is hijacked, then no antivirus or antimalware will fix these settings for you. You could attempt using another browser to see if you are getting the same results or if the issue is specific to Google Chrome.

    Malwarebytes and Zemana should be sufficient enough for scanning your phone for Virus’ and Malware.

    Please let us know what your default search engine is in google chrome, and try using another browser.

  • Robert Bellas

    February 25, 2021 at 9:14 am

    Hello, I have solved the Chrome browser popup problem.
    Google reported a malware problem with a Barcode reader app.
    The app works fine, but the December update added malicious hidden code.
    Information at this address:
    I Uninstalled the app and popups have stopped.
    The app has been removed from the play store, but not users devices.
    Please share this information.
    Bob Bellas

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