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2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by KEN SAVAGE 3 years, 12 months ago
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    • #45028


      In Gmail, my Primary TAB, upper right 1-50 of 37 ? I CANNOT go to page 2. I DO NOT Know how Many Primary messages I have. I go to Social: 1-50 of 935. So I think in Social I have 935 messages. I can go to page 2, 51-100 by clicking >. Same with Promotions, I can see 1-50 and the # of messages I have. How do I get my Primary Tab to work like Social or Promotions do, which it used to?

    • #45039


      Hello Ken,

      You have come to the right place for answers, the reason you cannot go to page 2 is because there is no page 2. This is indicated by 1-50 of 37, meaning the first page will show 50 emails, however you only have 37 emails in your primary inbox so the one page is displaying all of your 37 emails in the primary inbox. It will function like your social or promotions tab do, once you have over 50 emails then you will get a page 2.

      I hope that helps.

    • #45293


      Greetings John

      Thank you for your response. I am NOT Sure I understand your E-Mail? I could NOT hit the “>” button and go to the page your message was on and I had NOT deleted your messages and others received the same day. So I Searched “after:2020/2/15 category:primary”: It FOUND CURRENT messages To The last one in the search was 8/14/2020 or 828 messages found. That tells us that there are 828 Messages in Primary from today to 8/14/2020, doesn’t it?
      I searched “after:2020/8/15 category:primary” with the same result today’s messages to 5/15/202 or 828 messages.

      Then I searched: “before:2020/9/1 category:primary”. The Result was 609 messages found. Doesn’t that tell us that there are 609 messages in the Primary Tab, Older than 9/1/2020? I still don’t understand why I can’t hit the “>” and go to the 2nd page of the 609 messages I have in my Google E-Mail in the Primary Tab? I just went back to the “Inbox, Primary Tab” and the counter upper right says “1-50 of 15? John I count all the messages on page 1 and there are 50? NOT 15?

      I look forward to hearing from you

      Ken Savage

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