6 replies, 2 voices Last updated by 2 years, 6 months ago
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Q&A Forum > Advanced Tech Support >
I am getting hundreds of spam and obscene emails every day from folks using message IDs ending in mx.google.com
Here is an example:
I don’t use Google Workspace (Google Admin) whatever it is. When I block or add to spam, it makes no difference. The next few hours, at least 10-20+ more.
I have been able to block groups before, but I have no idea what to do in this case.
Any help you can provide would be most appreciated. Thank you!
Hello BMur,
How new is this google workspace? Have you configured DKIM, DMARC, and SPF?
I don’t know what google workspace is! I’m not sure I understand what you are asking. I’m sorry. My PC tech skills are not very advanced.
In my trash, every day, I am getting tons of emails from porn sites (obscene) and potential fraud sites. Lots of phishing emails.
Many of them show a “message ID” of lots of numbers/letters from “@mx.google.com”
I don’t know where these come from. I don’t work for a company and I use gmail.
Thanks, John, for your reply, but I still need to understand where these are coming from.
Hello BMur,
Are you using a free Google account or are you paying for it?
I use a free Google account.
Hello BMur, that clarifies things, your topic name says Google workspace and that is a paid-for service from google.
You will want to create a mail filter that automatically discards any messages sent from *SMTPIN_ADDED_MISSING@mx.google.com – This should be added to the From field of creating a mail filter.
The * is important so do not forget to use that when creating your mail filter.
Tap or click here for instructions on how to create a mail filter.
Thank you so much, John! I think I set up the filter properly and will hope I have solved the problem. I appreciate your patience!
Today, nothing meeting that filter has shown up.
Thanks again!