2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by dittywitty 3 years, 4 months ago
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    • #48266


      I have a new computer and of course, New Windows 10 has MS Edge set up as browser. I added that I wanted Chrome to be my default browser. It always goes to MS Edge and search engine BING. I don’t want either. I went to programs, asked to delete — It won’t let me.

      How do I delete MS Edge off my computer? Help

    • #48296


      Hello dittywitty,

      You cannot remove Microsoft Edge, and is not recommended to forceable remove. Regarding Google Chrome still using Bing search engine. First, make sure Chrome is your default web browser Second make sure your search engine is set to Google or Duck Duck go.

    • #48301


      thank you very much for the quick reply.

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