4 replies, 3 voices Last updated by J.C. Hall 2 years, 7 months ago
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  • Author
    • #52209

      Rachelle Harding

      I have this ‘HP Product Status’ screen that has a blue spinning circle over the X when I try to X out. I am pretty sure I am hacked. What do I do now? If I react faster, can I save my data? I first noticed this today. Also a couple days ago, my church acquaintance thought someone requested my friendship with her on facebook again. I had forgotten that we were already friends on facebook. She deleted my second friend request what should I do?

    • #52228


      Hello Rachelle,

      If you believe you have been hacked you should first change all of your account passwords from a secure device, then I recommend making a backup of your computer if you have not already.

      After that I would then factory default the operating system whether it is Windows or Mac OS.

    • #52247

      Rachelle Harding

      Is there a way to tell that I am hacked? Could a ‘HP Product Status’ pop-up stay on a laptop screen because of snow on the Hughesnet dish? How do I “factory default the operating system whether it is Windows or Mac OS”?

    • #52248

      Rachelle Harding

      How do “I backup my computer”?

    • #52259

      J.C. Hall

      The Facebook issue was most likely a “cloned” account, you cannot have a second friend request from the same account. I would buy a couple of 1 TB flash drives unless you have an abnormal amount of data to back up your documents and settings files. Before you reset the PC, you want to have your files backed up in at least three places not stored in the same building.

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