I’ve been using iDrive for about a year now and it was working fine until recently.
Getting a message saying username/email address is incorrect. I haven’t changed any settings. I’ve also been using Webroot for years and lately I get a brown and orange screen instead of the usual green one. Can there be a connection? I need HELP!
Sandy Landers
Confirm your credentials are correct by logging in here. If they are and it is still not letting you log in on your app, then try changing your password and logging in again. If that does not work then you may very well have to contact iDrive support or possibly uninstall and re-install the app.
Hi John,
Just some feedback on my iDrive situation. I ended up doing a live chat with tech support. After trying a few things it turned out that my ExpressVPN seemed to be the issue with their site, so they put my Public IP address on their White List. Now everything is back working properly.
Thanks again for you help.
Sandy Landers