Home Q&A Forum Cyber Security iPad email virus

  • iPad email virus

    Posted by Gary Sheets on September 7, 2020 at 7:57 am

    I have an Apple iPad and I use MSN email. The problem is that on a regular basis spurious old emails that were previously deleted Are reactivated for years in the past that I will receive from an unknown source. The way I normally deal with this is to reboot the iOS operating system that usually deletes the old emails. I am interested in permanently deleting this bug. Any thoughts on this? thank you GARY

    TeamKomando:John replied 4 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • TeamKomando:John

    September 8, 2020 at 9:02 am

    Hello Gary,

    Thanks for coming to the forums with your issue, I really doubt it would be a virus on your iPad.

    It would seem that it may be a syncing issue with your iPad and your email provider, it is recommended that you remove the email account from your iPad and then reconnect your email account. Additionally, if you log into the web mail through a web browser are you able to locate these emails?

    Let us know how it goes.

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