For more than a year now, each time there is a Win 10 update on my HP laptop, I end up with keys that are switched.
@ is switched with ” and so forth.
For most updates, it goes back for a day to regular punctuation and then changes back to switched keys by a few hours later. Is anyone else having this issue? It’s not critical but slows down my typing and is irritating! I keep hoping that the next update will fix it, but, not so far.
No, just a few, like the British pound symbol is switched with the number symbol, so I always have to write my addy with apt instead of the number symbol.It’s maddening and time-wasting!
It sometimes comes back to normal after an update, temporarily.
Mahalo Kim!
What you are describing is a British keyboard layout where the 2 key has ” instead of @ and the 3 key has the pound (currency) symbol).
Try using the steps at the link below under “Wrong characters appear when typing, changing keyboard language, or Dvorak” and synchronize Windows 10 to English in the United States format / region:
Yay! you helped me get this fixed! First try. Thanks a lot, Kim!
I was reluctant to ask about that because it seemed so insignificant, compared to the things people were asking you about
for your show! I am one Happy Kauaian!!
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