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  • Komando.com email rejected by Yahoo mail

    Posted by Arenrath on November 5, 2019 at 2:56 pm

    Starting a few weeks ago Yahoo began rejecting all my emails from Komando.com. No other email has been affected. I use an email forwarding setup through register.com which has worked with no problems for more than 10 years. All mail always come through except komando,com. I use rick@rickseeger.name (rickseeger.name is a domain that I own) as my email address and register.com changes the address to ricker1944@gmail.com and sends it on. Gmail seems to receive all mail OK. There is one more step after this which is where the problem comes in. Gmail then forwards all mail to my real address rcseeger@frontiernet.net. This works fine for all mail except komando.com.

    The reason for this convoluted setup is a problem I ran into with Frontier years ago. The original idea was for register.com to forward rick@rickseeger.name directly to rcseeger@frontiernet.net. This allowed me to change ISPs without changing my email address. Worked for years, then a lot of the mail went into limbo never to be seen again.

    I tried to fix the komando.com problem by updating my address to rcseeger@frontiernet.net to bypass all the forwarding. Problem is, komando.com wants to send a confirming email to my old address and I can’t receive it. So, I’m stuck. Any ideas? Thanks, Rick Seeger.

    Arenrath replied 5 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Komando Community

    November 8, 2019 at 9:59 am

    Hi @Arenrath

    It looks like a conflict is occurring when the mail is forwarding from your domain to your Google hosted address and then on to another address. The best solution would be to update your account to use the end address you want to receive mail on.

    We can update the email on file from the back-end to bypass the verification email. As such, I have changed the email on file for you to rcseeger@frontiernet.net. Your newsletters should start coming through to that address within 24-48 hours. If you still need help, you can reach out to us directly at support@komando.com.

    Thanks for subscribing!

  • Arenrath

    November 9, 2019 at 1:47 pm

    Thanks, I’m getting all the emails now. I appreciate your help.

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