Home Q&A Forum Computer Help Lotus Organizer on Windows 10 – Solved!

  • Lotus Organizer on Windows 10 – Solved!

    Posted by GD on December 17, 2020 at 1:32 pm

    Was able to migrate many Windows 7 programs over to new Windows 10 desktop.
    Need help solving why my old Lotus Organizer 6 program won’t open.
    Web searches have suggestions that I followed, including moving some .dll
    files to a different folder in the program.
    Latest reason for not opening “System Error: (ASWAN:526)Unknown ID”
    Any ideas?

    RC replied 3 years, 12 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • TeamKomando:John

    December 18, 2020 at 8:41 am

    Hello GD,

    Sometimes it is hard to let of of software that just works fantastically, I see here that you can still run it on Windows 10. However you may need to pop in the CD and re install the software in compatibility mode.

    You may even possibly try running what you have now in compatibility mode, you can click or tap here to get more info on using compatibility mode.

    Let us know how the reinstall or compatibly mode options go.

  • RC

    February 16, 2021 at 5:43 pm

    GD… did you resolve yr “System Error: (ASWAN:526)Unknown ID” error ?
    What did you need to do ?

    I have a windows 8.1. My organizer 6.1 used to work perfectly before and I needed to reinstall it … and since then it does not work. I get the same error.

    Help !!!

  • GD

    February 25, 2021 at 9:15 am

    sorry for the delay, but I’ve been traveling.
    I did resolve that problem, I think by moving some drivers from 1 folder to another
    on the program. Can’t really recall exactly. However, I was not able to utilize
    the Organizer 5 software with my version of Windows 10 Home edition.
    I’m told that Organizer 6 can definitely run on Windows 10, by using compatibility mode,
    but I don’t have Organizer 6 and can’t find a copy anywhere, but still looking.
    Sorry I couldn’t help much, but there is some good info in this link:
    Just enter Lotus Organizer on Windows 10 in the search box.

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