4 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Shelagh Tillott-Booth 4 weeks ago
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  • Author
    • #57869

      Shelagh Tillott-Booth

      I’m hoping someone can help me solve this issue!

      I rent an apt in a house and recently was taking care of the owners pets. I was watching their tv and found that my Youtube account is showing up on their tv! I definitely don’t want this to happen!
      How can I stop this from happening again?

      I’m elderly so please use simple steps if you can help!


    • #57871

      TeamKomando: Annemarie

      You can remove YouTube on TV access for a Google Account by opening https://myaccount.google.com/permissions and then select YouTube on TV and then Remove Access.

      I hope this helps Shelagh!

    • #57872

      Shelagh Tillott-Booth

      Thanks Annemarie! Will it still leave access to their own Youtube account OK?

    • #57880

      TeamKomando: Annemarie

      My pleasure! It should only remove your account from their TV, it should not impact their own account.

    • #57885

      Shelagh Tillott-Booth

      Thanks so much! It worked like a charm!

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