2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by TeamKomando:John 3 years, 3 months ago
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    • #49409


      I want to record a video of our home and personal belongings for insurance purposes. I have an iPhone 11 as well as a Sony camcorder. I want one continuous video but need to pause and restart the recording as I create it. I’m having trouble locating an easy solution.
      Thanks in advance!
      Don Mc

    • #49411


      Don: I’ve been an Android person for years, both tablets and smartphones. I do not why you cannot find a suitable inventory app in the aple store. I did an inventory on the contents of my house for insurance purposes lately, using a pixel 4a phone. You take videos or pictures of both. Then
      you input them to a home inventory app you have downloaded and installed.


    • #49413


      Hello DonMcCPA,

      I found an app called PauseCam Video Recorder Camera, which offers the pause function you desire, it will cost a few dollars if you want to get rid of the ads and the watermark.

      Most Android phones do this without 3rd party apps.

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