3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by TeamKomando:John 2 years ago
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  • Author
    • #54299

      Roy Phillips

      I have a daughter with learning disables and I’m look for a programable remote so I can program some streaming options, ie Netflix, Prime and YouTube TV. I would like to cancel my cable service.

    • #54362


      Hello Roy,

      I think if you were able to switch to using a Fire TV stick then setting up shortcuts on a phone would be pretty easy to set up.

      Tap or click here to see how to configure shortcuts. The newer style remote also has buttons for some apps, Netflix, Disney+, and Hulu built in.

      • #54371

        Roy Phillips

        Thanks John. In my situation I need to be able to program a specific channel, I was thinking about using YouTube TV.

    • #54374



      On what kind of device are we talking about? New televisions are using RF control instead of IR and this will play a big part regarding custom controls and presets.

      Please keep in mind you can watch YouTube TV on a Fire TV stick.

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