3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by KimKomando 4 years, 2 months ago
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    • #43495


      Sorry if this is a bit long. My mom texts us with many to-do items, generally grocery shopping, phone calls to make, and misc. We LOVE to help! We need an app suggestion:

      1. Use like an interactive whiteboard i.e. she can leave her lists, and my sister and I can “cross things off” as they are done, and avoid duplicating our purchases.
      2. We would like to “cross out,” but allow the crossed-out task to remain displayed. This will avoid “Did I already ask them to do that?”
      3. The ability to upload photos of items, etc.

      My mom uses the iphone 7 EXCLUSIVELY, and she is AMAZING, a digital goddess in training! She does not use laptops or ipads. (However, she can run circles around ANYONE with her emojis!)

      Thanks for any suggestions to make her life easier!

    • #43544


      Hi there Karey,

      So nice to hear from you again. Glad you solved the caller ID issue!

      Take a look at Google Keep. It works on everything,including web.


      You all can easily share the notes and check off boxes that are done.

      Kim 🙂

    • #43594


      Kim, You are amazing as always. I hope you received my heartfelt condolences through the Contact Kim portal. I hope you and your staff are well.
      Many thanks for all you do,
      p.s. On a personal note, I am always so happy to hear how your mom beat pancreatic cancer. She is a miracle (but you already know that!).

    • #43598


      Hi Karey,

      I did receive your kind note. It’s been tough, such an amazing person who made a difference. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. And yes, Mom is a true miracle!


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