5 replies, 2 voices Last updated by TeamKomando:John 3 weeks, 1 days ago
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  • Author
    • #57889

      Mike Craig

      I recently bought a reconditioned Windows 11 Pro PC. For security, I purchased the Total AV package. At some point when adding apps and programs I picked up McAfee Security Scan Plus (not because I wanted it, but because it was attached to something, maybe an Apple app to transfer data to/from and iPhone). Now the McAfee is there and sending me notifications about scanning and ‘upgrading’. I tried the two methods generally used to uninstall this program: (1) Use the Start / Settings / Apps / Uninstall, and the (2) MCPR tool downloaded directly from McAfee. Both approaches were unsuccessful. I even tried stopping McAfee in the Task Manager and then redoing both 1 & 2 above. Nothing.

      Any suggestions?

    • #57891


      Hello Mike,

      Have you tried to use the built-in uninstall feature shown here?

    • #57896

      Mike Craig

      This approach does not work. It says to “Turn off auto renewal” first, then uninstall. This link takes you to the McAfee site. However you must have a logon (and password) to the McAfee site in order to turn off the “auto renewal” – which I never signed up for in the first place. The normal uninstall leaves a small window which cannot be enlarged with an offer for a lesser price. You cannot get out of the window, have to shut it off with task manager.

    • #57897


      Hello Mike,

      I would try using a 3rd party tool called Revo Uninstaller, this software should be able to remove the Mcaffee Software.

    • #57898

      Mike Craig

      Thanks for the attempts above. I finally got to the McAfee Service center and they helped me delete this program. For future users info: (1) in Task Manager, end anything with a McAfee connection (there were 4 of them, one said McAfee Security Scan Plus, next said McAfee xxxxx xxxxx (don’t remember exactly but it was running right next to the previous), next was a SScheduler.exe running in background, and a McCHSvc.exe also running in Background. Once these were stopped, I was able to delete the directory “McAfee Security Scan Plus” in C:\Program Files. This seems to have finally deleted it.

    • #57899


      That’s great news, Mike, I appreciate you coming back and sharing your findings to help other users as well.

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