2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by 266461 4 years ago
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    • #44868


      My church wants to start livestreaming our service. We already have internet in the sanctuary which we use when we project PowerPoint slides on a screen. Our pastor says that it would cost $5000 – $10000 for equipment. I had a brief conversation with someone from another church who said that what they purchased cost between $300 – $400. So I am confused because of these cost differences. Can someone give me advice?

    • #44896


      Hello 266461,

      If you are only wanting to live stream your service, you could get it done with only a cell phone and a tripod. However some services like to include their own B-roll Videos, using multiple cameras and microphones for different takes. Which then would require a type of video switcher along with some decent cameras and that is when things could get costly.

      If you are wanting to stream to multiple social media sites at once such as Youtube and Facebook I recommend using a service called Restream.io, which can be used with a cell phone or a Workststion / Laptop with a camera and a Mic connected. Recommendations for Streaming software, Camera, Mic input for XLR microphones.

      Please let us know more about what kind of live stream you want to offer and we can help tailor a solution.

    • #44898


      Thanks so much for response. I will speak to my pastor to see which way he wants to proceed and hopefully, get back to you for more help.

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