3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Debbie Autry 9 months, 2 weeks ago
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  • Author
    • #56998

      Debbie Autry

      My desktop and the folders there have disappeared. In finder, I can see in iCloud where it is switched off, but it will not turn on. How can I get it back?

      I cannot save anything to the ‘desktop’ as it is not recognized. Help?

    • #57015


      Hello Debbie,

      In the past, when I’ve encountered issues such as this, I’ve had to completely sign out of iCloud, reboot, and then reconnect my iCloud account.

      I would try that first, as well as make sure the Mac is completely updated.

      • #57023

        Debbie Autry

        Hey John. I tried your suggestion–to no avail. I appreciate you trying to help. I finally called Apple Support, whereupon they called me this morning. They had no answer, either. Finally backed up MOST things from Time Machine.

        Thanks again for your help.

    • #57020

      Debbie Autry

      Thanks, John. I’ll try that!

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