I have two questions. My friend has wi-fi and we use vpn through work and she keeps getting disconnected 5-8 times a day. She has hard wired a ethernet to her pc and it still is happening. Also, she has rebooted and reset the modem and still happening. She has 600 mbps download speeds. I don’t have the problems she has and I only have 200 mbps.
This is what our IT Department said.
All your devices may have internet but the VPN needs a good quality connection to stay connected. – she has 600 mbps.
You can try to reboot the computer and also if possible if you daughters doesn’t’ mind, unplug the power to your internet modem router for 30 seconds and plug the power back in and try to connect again. it should come back in a few minutes and try the VPN again to see if it has a more stable connection. She has done all this and goes down 5-8 times a day.
Do you need vpn for home internet service?
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