5 replies, 3 voices Last updated by 4 years, 8 months ago
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Q&A Forum > Advanced Tech Support >
Tagged: Win10 Updates
I purchased a new ASUS windows 10 laptop and would like to know when I allow the updates on Windows 10, how can I avoid updating to the November 2019 updates. I want to wait until they have resolved the issues with those updates. Thanks for your help, Em
If your new laptop has Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise, you can defer updates using the steps here:
If you have Windows 10 Home edition, this option is not available. You can pause updates instead:
I concur with the Komando Community replies – the personal version of Win10 only allows for delays, not complete deferment. I was able to delay for about a month, then my machine – also an ASUS ROG rig started to slow down. I did a restart and then it happened. So, Microsoft is sort of “in your machine” to co-manage it and the updates. Same with Office 365. I don’t like any of this approach. They remain on the sloppy side of product development and our feedback/issues generate all the “call tags” for system rewrites. This is not competency, but reactive development.
Hi Michael! Thanks for providing your feedback on this issue. We appreciate you taking the time to help out a fellow community member.
Thanks for the links and the advice. Do you know if it is possible to update to Windows Pro before Windows 10 installs OR I’m thinking that I would have to install HOME an then update to PRO to prevent certain updates. I have noticed some sites that have a work around to update to Windows Pro free like Lifewire or easeus. However, if I have to pay for it, I would do that to avoid extra a problems from the updates. Again thanks for the help. EM
If you were to update from Home to Pro, it would install the most current release of Windows 10 Pro (which includes the new updates) with the upgrade. You indicated the laptop came with Windows 10, correct? It should already have either Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Pro installed. To upgrade, you do have to purchase Windows 10 Pro. The steps and other information can be found here:
To check what you have now, go to the search bar in Windows and type in “System Information”. Open the app, and the version and build will be at the top.