1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by TeamKomando:John 11 months, 2 weeks ago
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    • #56775

      craig cain

      Zombie finger syndrome is the inability for touchscreens to work for some people or maybe were aliens. It’s the lack of the electrical conductive of our fingers elbows noses tongue toes heels knees that’s my list. It also can be caused from a tremor, it is said dry skin or calluses, wet fingers cold fingers I live in Minnesota at least half of the year is cold. Stylists don’t help if they work which is seldom my tremor gets in the way. I’m looking for a solution & the tiny screen touch button phones aren’t helping. Some of you will say just use voice commands that might work for somebody but not me back at iPhone eight I did a voice test they said my voice had a tremor and I had a weird Minnesota accent! No salesperson tech person is been able to help me maybe because they are untrained or like the government they just don’t care.? Any of you pros out there have a answer or clue

    • #56776


      Hello Craig,

      Two things come to mind, one being finger sleeves and the other being a Bluetooth mouse.

      How to pair a Bluetooth mouse with an iPhone.

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