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3 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Komando Community 4 years, 7 months ago
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  • Author
    • #40666

      Jim Davies

      I always take movies using landscape mode. When I have to aim down & I’m done filming the phone switches the video to portrait mode. How can I stop this.

    • #40754


      Hi Jim,

      Sorry for the delay on getting back with you on this one.

      I am not sure I understand what is happening for you. I tested this out on my daughter’s iPhone 8 this morning (Android user here!). I recorded a video in landscape mode and stopped the recording while keeping the landscape orientation. I then turned the phone into a portrait orientation and checked out the video. The video was still in landscape format (wide screen) and was displayed like in the example below:

      What is happening for you? If you can provide a little more detail or try wording it another way, that may help. If you want to send some screenshots or a screen capture, send it over to support@komando.com and I can get them there.

    • #40756

      Jim Davies

      I was recording something on the ground, so the phone was pointing downward. When I stopped the movie went from landscape to portrait

    • #40761

      Komando Community

      We tried this again with a phone in the office and found this can occur if you rotate during the recording. Try setting screen rotation on the device to lock before recording to prevent any unwanted rotations.

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