3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by TeamKomando:John 9 months, 3 weeks ago
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  • Author
    • #56766

      RICK Renner

      started two months ago, 16gb ram and now when mem is 65% or higher chrome shows leaf symbol and has to be “end task” and restarted, went to settings / privacy/ background apps and turned off as many as i could, still happening any fresh ideas? more ram, reinstall chrome?….etc? thx in advance
      Rick Renner
      Sr Network Developer

    • #56768


      Hello Rick,

      The green leaf means Google Chrome is in energy saver mode, are you using a laptop or a desktop? Also, what is your current power plan (Click Start, type power plan)?

    • #56773

      RICK Renner

      high performance, desktop 16Gb ram i-7

    • #56774


      Hello Rick,

      Tap or click here to see how to disable the energy-saving feature for Google Chrome.

      If you continue having an issue with Chrome, then before completely un uninstalling and re-installing you can attempt manually removing the Google Chrome profile and let it rebuild. This will delete your bookmarks and browsing history, be sure to sign into your Google Chrome profile to sync your data before doing this.

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