1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by TeamKomando:John 6 months, 3 weeks ago
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    • #57296

      Lawrence Smith

      Whether I am logged into chrome or not – user names and passwords are still filled in. I have done a lot of web searching and the only answer is to set “ephemeral” mode. From what I understand – this has to be done from the admin console using an admin password. Can this be done on an individual PC? My task is to remove all cached Password and user names and auto fill information when I log out. I did find some code that will sign out a google user when Windows starts (Most people don’t sign out from google, just power down the PC). Then I did find some code (that I had a hard time figuring it out) that would then delete the cached items I am referring to. This all might have something to do with a users profile?? Here I thought that google was protecting my user and passwords – there I go assuming again! Should I simply get a password manager software instead of using chrome for this? Norton has a password manage as well, which I do have Norton. I listen to Kim all the time, and have since forever… Looking forward to an answer or comment. thanks

    • #57299


      Hello Lawrence,

      On Chrome Desktop: Ctrl+Shift+Del –> Advanced –> Time Range: All time –> Select Passwords only –> Clear data.

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