3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by TeamKomando:John 1 years, 7 months ago
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  • Author
    • #55589

      Danny Durbin

      My Windows 11 desktop icons are now very slow launching. I am using a standard user account. When I go to the Admin account they are fast launching. Can anyone help me with finding the root cause?

    • #55594


      Hello Danny Durbin,

      Are you using a local Windows account or a Microsoft account, are you syncing settings between two computers?

      Tap or click here for more information.

    • #55595

      Danny Durbin

      I have those settings already set and when I click on a desktop icon it takes as much as 20 seconds for them to launch. When I go to the Admin account or type the website into the browser, they launch immediately.

    • #55596


      Hello Danny,

      It is possible you have some program running on when that profile logs in, tap or click here to see how others chased down a single slow profile issue.

      You may also want to take a close look at what extensions you have added to your choice web browser, tap or click here for more info.

      Lastly, you may want to run some integrity checks, find out how by tapping or clicking here.

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