1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by TeamKomando:John 6 months, 1 weeks ago
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  • Author
    • #57150

      Dan Breaud

      My brother-in-law, 69 yrs old, is moving from CA to AZ. He will no longer be able to get his favorite LA Times print edition. Is there a device he could get that he can subscribe to the digital edition? He has never used a computer, the internet or cell phone. He’ll have internet access as it relates to his satellite TV provider. He would be a prime target for internet scams so the device should only have access to the LA Times website. Any link that is clicked on goes no where.
      Thanks for your help.

    • #57154


      Hello Dan,

      Tap or click here to see the digital offerings from LA Times.

      Your best bet would be to pick up a cheap Android tablet like this one here.

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