
4 replies, 1 voice Last updated by Deacon Boucek 3 years, 4 months ago
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    • #41435


      I used to say “Alexa, tell Tech News Today to play the newest episode”; but now the response is just 2 or 3 topics and it stops, no dialogue. How do I get the whole episode?

    • #41445

      Komando Community

      The Tech News Today podcast has not been published for about a year. You can subscribe to Komando on Demand or the Consumer Tech Update podcasts instead.

    • #41450


      OK, I found the Komando on Demand skill for alexa, but nothing for consumer tech update. How to find?

    • #41461

      Komando Community

      I will look into the one for the Consumer Tech Update and let you know! We may need to get the skill set up for that one, but in the meantime you should still be able to play it through TuneIn on Alexa.

    • #48118

      Deacon Boucek

      Been having problems with routines on Alexa. Want to erase the entire app and start over. When I deleted the app and try to reload from the App Store I keep getting my old app from the cloud with all the old routines still on her. How do I totally erase Alexa?

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