6 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Thomas Wypa 4 years, 1 months ago
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    • #41715

      Thomas Wypa

      My favicons on my toolbar and my bookmarks disappeared. I found that clicking on them brought them back which was no big deal. This worked for the toolbar and the single bookmarks, however, I have many many folders with many many links and all have the generic symbol that would take to much time to click all of them. What would cause this to happen? Is there any way to bring them back all at once?

    • #41729

      Komando Community

      Hi @xray10

      Let us know what browser you are using, and your operating system. We will see if we can find a solution for you!

      • #43244

        Thomas Wypa

        Thanks for your offer. I will let it go for now.

    • #41736

      Thomas Wypa

      Windows 10,latest update,Chrome.This not a big deal as use my Tablet more than the computer but I would still like to know. Thank you in advance. Tom

    • #41740

      Komando Community

      Hi @xray10

      I have not been able to find much of a solution to refresh them all. I see some suggestions on the web say to delete the “favicon” file in your Chrome App Data folder, but when I tried this myself it did not fix it. You could try creating a new Chrome profile and then importing your bookmarks.

      However if the favicon database is corrupted or empty, the icons will not be reloaded until you visit the site again.

    • #41751

      Thomas Wypa

      I viewed those suggestions too. I will do them one at a time as I get time. Thank you again. Tom

    • #43240


      It looks like you will have to launch each bookmark once, however there is a fast way to do so. If you visit “chrome://bookmarks/” without quotes in your web browser. Then you can right click on the bookmarks bar or any of the bookmark sub folders and choose open all bookmarks in the sub context menu.

      Launch all bookmarks at once.

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