I was using Facebook in early June. I only occasionally logged in and never posted. Sometimes like, sent an IM to someone, etc. Next day I decided to see if friend responded to IM and my log in said it did not recognize me and I had make a new password. I did. But I also decided to double check my privacy settings. Under log ins it had everything correct up until that day. I only use an IPad, so IOS. When I had to change my password that day it said I was using a MacOS. It had a lot of things after that like gecko, and a bunch of other stuff and at the end it had (cookies a series of numbers and at the end ******). It said I don’t usually log in from that browser was it you? Well no it wasn’t. I immediately logged out. I called Apple who could not help me, recommended I contact fb. Of course no one home haha and none of their pre arranged questions addressed my issue. Next day I logged in again just to see if anything had changed and same thing. I deleted my account. I was getting notices from Amazon I had logged in from MacOS also. Called Apple again who told me she thought it was a phishing scheme. I have not recreated a fb account. Who cares. I never used it. Boy are they scary pinpointing to your exact location. I never knew but do now. Never again. Oh and my friend I had IM’d responded with a who is this? I am assuming he should have know . Anyway, I am really sorry this is so long winded. I really need to know if my IPad is secure or not. Thank you.
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