1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by Lee Ann Hamerski 3 years, 2 months ago
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  • Author
    • #49806

      Chuck Lee

      I wanted to ask how to handle a possible hacker(supposedly using my own email) who sends me an threatening email asking for money because he’s claiming that hes used complicated malware and tech tools and that i am to send him $1650 or he will expose supposed bad things about me to me friends and family and business associates.
      Please share any insights and suggestions on how to mitigate this.

    • #49840

      Lee Ann Hamerski

      Hi Chuck,

      I had to go to my email provider because someone hacked my email account and forwarded my email to an address they made up in Gmail. They made it very similar to mine, so no one questioned it. My email provider found this out when I complained that I wasn’t getting my email. The hacker had sent my contact list email to buy me gift cards because I was in trouble. Fortunately, my friends did not fall for the scam and actually called me on the phone.

      So, if I were you, I would go to your email provider if you can and ask them for help troubleshooting the problem. You may also want to change your email address and tell your friends about what happened. This may help them to avoid the same problem. It’s a lot of work because your email address is used everywhere on all sorts of accounts. It’s a real pain in the You-Know-What. Then you have to deal with the aftermath. One of my credit cards was used by someone else, and I had to close my account and get a new card. Who knows what else they have gotten into.

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