2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Andy 3 years, 2 months ago
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    • #48848


      I have an iPhone 7 (version 14.4.2) with ExpressVPN installed.About a wk.ago,the phone stopped ringingI verified the Settings were correct & Apple ran Diagnostics over the phone as well as in a store & no issues were found & a Genius called my phone & it rang.He mentioned it could possibly be Express & it rang for a day or 2 then stopped again.I disconnected the VPN which did not help at 1st but after awhile it rang again.Any ideas what the cause is?

    • #48859


      Hello Sassy140,

      Are you able to see the call coming in at all if you watch your phone? Or is it not even making it that far. Trying to determine if the call is coming in at all. Additionally, who is your service provider? With that information, I will be able to better assist.

    • #48910


      I can see when a call comes in if I happen to be looking at the screen (for example if on a call)) & Spectrum Mobile is my carrier.Since I posted the issue the phone has started ringing again but based on the last time the issue occurred,the phone may stop ringing again at any time.

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