2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by David Haas 2 years, 1 months ago
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    • #53363

      David Haas

      Because of the postal delays, our business now gets most of our invoices by email. They usually come as an attachment to the email. Most are PDF files but there are some .jpg and .tiff ones as well. I would like to be able to open the invoice docs, add an “OK to Pay ? ___ G/L acct ________________” image on a spot I choose, and send the edited document to a manager for approval. Then receive the document back from them with the OK block checked and the general ledger account to be charged completed by the manager so we have a record that payment of the invoice was approved. Buying an Acrobat Reader license for every approver at 49.99 / mo is not an acceptable option. What would you recommend as a good alternative?

    • #53379


      Hello David,

      Thanks for visiting us on the Forums with such a great question, I recommend AbleWord, it is a free open source piece of software that will do exactly what you need.

    • #53385

      David Haas

      Thanks, I’ll give it a try.


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