Home Q&A Forum Advanced Tech Support Are deleted computer files really gone?

  • Are deleted computer files really gone?

    Posted by Linda Jeider on October 4, 2022 at 6:20 pm

    I was told by a computer tech that even though I empty the trash folder on my computer the files cam still be found on my computer. (1) is this true and (2) how can I delete those files because I want to donate an old lap top but want all the files gone.
    PS – I’m new here and to me my question is tech related but if it’s not be kind when you tell my – thanks

    TeamKomando:John replied 2 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • TeamKomando:John

    October 5, 2022 at 9:02 am

    Hello Linda Jeider,

    They are correct, just deleting data to the recycle bin, data could be recovered technically.

    You must wipe your hard drive’s free space to prevent deleted files from being recovered. You can download a tool called CCleaner to do so by clicking here.

    Once you have the program installed, you can perform the following.

    Method 1 – Automatically wipe when cleaning:
    In CCleaner, click the Custom Clean icon on the left.
    In the Windows tab, scroll to the Advanced category (shown with an ! icon) and select the Wipe Free Space checkbox.
    CCleaner displays a warning about extra time. Click OK.
    Run CCleaner as usual.
    Note: You need to specify settings for the feature to run correctly. To do this:

    Go to Options > Settings
    Under Wipe Free Space drives, confirm which drive(s) you wish to wipe.
    You can also confirm if you want CCleaner to Wipe MFT Free Space

    Link to wiping a disk’s free space from Piriform.

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