Home Q&A Forum Smart Home iRobot – Roomba

  • TeamKomando:John

    May 14, 2021 at 8:06 am

    Morning Joel,

    This is something I still need to do, so maybe we both can get it going. Which model of the iRobot Roomba do you have? I will be sure to get back to you with the right information.

  • Joel Hernandez

    May 14, 2021 at 9:36 am

    Thank you John I think it’s the 9s I would like to have this thing connected to my iCloud account

  • TeamKomando:John

    May 18, 2021 at 1:37 pm

    Though the iRobot vacuums do not support Apple HomeKit, there is a way to control your smart vacuum with Siri. It’s not as simple as downloading an app and pushing a button, but it’s not too complex either.

    If you want to use the app to schedule do the following from the smart phone app.

    1. To set a schedule, scroll down to the Schedule section on the app home screen and tap on the arrow. If you already have a schedule set up, you can view them here, or select the + in the top right corner to create a new one. Here you can set the days, times, and rooms you want your robot to clean.

    2. To set a one-time clean job select the Repeat section, uncheck all boxes, and set the time you would like your robot to start cleaning.

    3. To set a weekly schedule, again select Repeat and select the days you would like your robot to clean as well as the time you would like your robot to start cleaning.

    4. You can also use Imprint™ Link Technology when creating a schedule. Click on ‘Mop After’ to use this feature, and follow the same steps as above to set the schedule for the mop.

    If you want to use Siri you can tap or click here for a tutorial on doing so from learnrobotics.org.

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